Sunday 4 January 2015

The Rabbit Ate My Flip-Flops Sneak Peek!

I'm very excited to share the first chapter of Book Two of the Rabbit Ate My Series (coming in 2015)!

Chapter One

Time to Go

I stare at my computer screen and sigh. On the screen, a picture of a super-cool looking space station hovers in front of a swirling alien planet and a vast starry background. Above it, in large glowing green letters it reads, "Galaxy Guilds: Connect. Construct. Conquer." Beneath it, a countdown timer ticks down the minutes. 20:42:16. Less than a day until the coolest game of the year--the game my best friend Quentin and I have been waiting ages to play--finally releases, and am I going to be around to play it? Nope.
I'm going to be stuck in a camper with my annoying little sister, Libby, and my grandparents in a campground in the middle of nowhere. Why? Because Mom has to go to a conference in Hawaii for her job at the insurance company and Dad is going, too. So that means nobody will be here to take care of me and Libby. And since Nana and Papa are going camping this week, they thought we should come with them. Oh, and did I mention this camping trip is an annual thing Nana and Papa do every year with a bunch of other old people they've known since Dad was a kid?
I sigh again.
Just then a Skype message chirps. It's Quentin.